Kent Landscape Photography

Welcome to my landscape & travel photogrpahy.
You can search for individual places or themes in the search box or enjoy the collections I have made that tell a more thorough story of each place. Many images have detailed captions explaining technical and creative aspects to them.
For commercial image licensing please contact me.
What do these landscapes mean?
To me they mean everything. They are my experience, my view of nature and my exploration of themes and subjects that interest me. Our relationship to nature and the affection I feel for life, colour, dramtic light and interesting places, natural and manmade, summarises my main preoccupation with landscape photography.
For you, as viewer, its up to you what these photos mean to you. As Susan Sontag said, the task of the viewer is to ‘squeeze more content out of the work than is already there.’ So over to you! I hope you enjoy looking at them even half as much as I enjoyed making them.