Cat at Pyrgos, Santorini

This collection of panoramic photographs documents the extraordinary beauty of the place from dawn through the day and into dusk. The panoramic format is used to add a coherent style to the presentation of the images which are printed on Fotospeed Matt Ultra paper and displayed in a handmade book I have produced. My photography of the island stems from my personal interest in landscapes that embody a symbiotic relationship between natural forms and processes and the man made elements. The urban development here enhances the beauty of the natural landscape, forged in the violence of one of the greatest volcanic explosions in human history. Today, the two sit alongside each other in a harmonious balance that is a joy to explore and a living example of how to create urban spaces that are inspired by the natural processes around them. I imagine not all the most ideal planning decisions have always been made, but on the whole, I feel comfortable here in a way I expect I would feel deeply uncomfortable somewhere like Dubai which stands in complete defiance of the natural landscape it overrides and suppresses in a somewhat grotesque form. In Santorini, when the warm breeze flutters across the top of the cliffs and the sun kisses the whitewashed buildings, it's impossible not to feel an urge to become a part of the place, to linger, to return and to take creative inspiration from it.